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What Is COMPUTER and How Does It Work

Definition of computer

Computer is electronic device that's takes some meaningful input process on it and then produce output accordance input. today computer is very important part of our life . this is very effective technology without technology we can't imagination of world .
computer word is taken from latin language computare . but some specialist have to that word from compute that’s means calculation of word.

Computer is making eight word of English that’s means makes his meaning describe

Computer means which device that’s use in calculation, processing, mechanism, education and research. It’s combination of software and hardware which convert deta into information.

Functioning of Computer System

  1. Input :- sending deta or information in computer is called Input. This is sending deta or command for central processing unit
  2.  Processing :- It is executing accordance input data
  3.  Output :- It is providing meaningful result
  4.  Store :- This is permanent store in memory.

Features of Computer

Computer have these features follow

1.       Speed :-  Computer calculates digits very high.  And at preset time computer can calculate  Nano second digits (109 ) . its calculate very fast speed. And thus millions of calculations can be done in a  second.
2.       Ac curancy :- Computers work on inbuilt software programs . so there is no scope for human errors and are hence , highly accurate .
3.       Storage capacity :- Computer can store a large amount off data or instructions in its memory which can be retrieved at point of time.
4.       Versatile :- Computer helps different type of work can be do. Latest computers have to different different work in same time.
5.       Diligence :- Computer is a machine so without any effect of outer environment computer can works continue .
6.       Secrecy :- Computer can be safe with passoword.
7.       Automatic :-  Computer is an automatic machine. So in this without any outer interrupt  its work continue automatically.
Terms Related to Computer
Hardware :- Represents the physical and tangible components of the computer (keyword, mouse , monitor etc.)
Software :- Software is a set of instructions called programs that make the computer perform tasks.
Data :- data is the raw facts, which the computer stores and reads in the forms of numbers.
Information :-groups of  meaningful data is called information. The people who make use of aa computer to obtain certain results .
History of Computer
Father of Computer Computer – Charles Babbage
Father of modern Computer Computer – Alan Tuning
First un-programmable Electronic digital computer – Atanasoff Berry  Computer(ABC)
First purpose Electronic  digital computer – Electronic Numerical Integrator ad calculator(ENIAC)


-                   Used vacuum tubes and batch processing OS
-                   Machine and Assembly languages used
Examples : ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC, IBM-701, IBM-650 
    SECOND GENERATION (1956-1963)
-                Used transistors
-                OS Multi- Bag remaining , Time sharing
-                Memory – Megnatic cores, magnatic tapes and disks
-                Used assembly  and high-level language like FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL                                       
          THIRD GENERATION(1964- 1971)
-                  Used ICs
-               OS – Remote processing, Time sharing, Real time, Multi – programming
-                  Used high-level language like FORTRAN-II, COBOL, ALGOL-68,PASCAL PL/1, BASIC
-                  Examples : IBM-360 Series, IBM-370//168, Honeywell-6000 series, PDP

-                  Used VLSI Circuts
-                 Memory – semiconductora and Winchester disk
-                 Used high-level language like FORTRAN-77, COBOL,PASCAL
         Examples :DEC 10, STAR 1000, PDP 11, SUPER COMPUTERS(CRAY-1, CRAY-X-MP)


Small inexpensive computer for personal use
Also called micro – computers
Popularly used at homes for playing games and surfing the internet.  
Used for word processing , desktop publishing, spreadsheet, and database management applications.
These were designed for specific tasks but have now flost popularity due to the advent of Pcs.

These are expensive and large sized computers.
Are capable of supporting hundreds of users simultaneously
Used for specific large scale applications
Powerful , expensive and the fastest computers.
Used for applications that require large amounts of mathematical computations.
For example :- weather forecasting, fluid dynamics, graphic design etc.

Classification of Computer

1.       On the basis of Size
2.       On the basis of purpose
3.       On the basis of Applications

1 On the basis of Size :-  These have five types of on the basis of size these are following

1.       Micro Computers :- In 1970 in technical field Intel the invention microprocessor . that is big invention that time and this is really big revolutionary change in technical field. Because that previous computer size have to big and they have to process very slow and time consuming. This is very chiefly and small size that can be setup in small place.  It’s also called computer on a chip.  And in present time have found size of books, watch and smartphone.  These have capacity millions of calculations per second. This type of computer use in medical and business purpose. And also use small and medium type companies.  Mini type computer speed 10 to 30 MIPS (MEGA INSTRUCTIONS PER SECOND). Example IMAC, IBM, PS/S MAC, APPLE etc.

Micro computers have many types

I.                    Desktop Computer :- This computer system have mostly use in present time. Despite this fact PCs  size in small  like this laptop and Palmtop. Still Most of houses and business places has found Desktop. Because these are chief , durable and walkable .
II.                  Laptop :-In the past few years, the size of the microcomputer has been reduced so short. They can be easily carried around hereLaptops are sometimes called notebooks, such as laptops that can be used by ordinary men to buy them.
III.                Palmtop :-  This is like as laptop portable personal computer . It uses lightweight and shorter handheld  systems than laptops.
IV.                Tablet Personal Computer :-Tablet PC and laptops are a kind of stuff but tablets notebooks are more comfortable than computers, both are portable.But the difference between the software used in the screen, etc.On the tablet PC screen you can write without the help of a keyboard but not a notebook.
V.                  Personal Digital Assistant(PDA) :- Digital diary is like as Portable computer . but this can’t work all types . this is mostly use of collect small data and information like as Phone no. , Email and address etc.
VI.                Workstation :-These are used in engineering techniques and graphics work as well as interconnected with single person of computer.

2.       Mini Computer :-These medium-sized computers have more functionality and cost than the microcomputer because they can not be used in the experiment.On this type of computer, one or more people can do more than one task at a time. They are used by low-end or medium-sized companies .Mini computer speed is 10 to 30MIPS(MEGA INSTUCTIONS PER SECOND)example – HP-9000, RISC 6000, BULL HN-DPX2 AND AS 400 etc.

3.       Mainframe Computer :-These computers, in size, are larger than the Mini and Microcomputer in price and cost.Therefore, large companies and banks or government departments are used as a central computer.Users use a node to access mainframe computers , Most companies use mainframe computers to provide details of payments, send bills, pay employees, collect items purchased by consumers  details of products Example -                 CRAY-1,  CDS-CYBER,  IBM 4381, ICL 39, UNIVAC-1110 etc.

Super Computer :-Supercomputers are the highest speed, collection capacity and high expanses. They are shaped like a room.  World's First Super Computer Cray Research Company invented CRAY-1 Super Computer in 1976. India also has a super computer: whose name is PARAM. It was developed by the C-DAC and this is latest modal PARAM -10000. Super computer is use to predication of weather ,The main use of supercomputers is to predict weather, create animation and motion pictures, astronauts for space travel send astronautics. And use in scientific research of laboratory  in these field use of this computer example – PARAM-1, PARAM-1000, CRAY-1, CRAY-2, NEC-500 etc..

2.       On the basis of purpose:-  These have two types that following
I.  General purpose computer :-These type of computer use for general purpose works. Preparation of documents by them, printing them, creating databases and preparing letters by word process.
II.Special Purpose computer :-These type of computer use for special purpose  . They are used in space science weather science, satellite operations, traffic control, agricultural science, engineering, physical and chemical sciences etc.

3.       On the basis of Applications :- These have three types that’s following
I.                    Analog computer :- Physical Quantities like – Pressure, temperature, length, Analog computer is used to measure its results by marking mercury, etc. Because these computers present quantities in numbers. So these computers use more in engineering and science fields. Example :- Spedometer, Earthquake Indicator
II.                  Digital Computer :-These computer use for calculation of numbers. At present time mostly computer in digital computer series.  These computer is taken 0 an 1 input converting in electronic mode. These computer use in houses, business, animation fields .example :- Desktop computer and Laptop etc.
Hybrid Computer :-Combination of Analog and digital computer called Hybrid computer. These types of computer use physical quantities convert into electronic mode  numbers and then use in medical field  example – ECG and DIALYSIS MACHINE etc.

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