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What is Digital Marketing - Explanation its Tactics And Channels

What is digital Marketing - Explanation its Tactics And Channels

What is Digital Marketing- it is made by two word’s. first is ‘digital’ referred to the internet and second is ‘marketing’ referred to the advertisement.

It’s means digital marketing is a process of advertising and spreading your business over the internet to grow it by using some digital tactics and channels.
digital marketing,social media,seo,blogging,website

Benefit’s of digital marketing. Let’s know about the benefits of it

1.     It is fast and time saving  for small and large businesses
2.     It also cheap than tradition business tactics.
3.     These tactics are user friendly also.
4.     There is no need to developing a big human power.

Instead off it, traditional marketing is so expensive, time consuming, and you need to a big human power to develop a business.

In today’s time, so many companies are available which providing the digital marketing course . you can learned it by paying some amount of money. But google providing free digital marketing course, you can learn here and get google certified.

You can purchase and sell any product or service over the internet, it has possible by digital marketing.  If you are doing any transaction over the internet through any digital channel, then it’s called digital marketing.

Digital Marketing Channels-

1.     1. Social Media – In this time, so many social media websites are available which giving the facility of promoting your products, brands, and service. By using it you can increase your targeted customers.

Top social media websites-

                                i.            Facebook
                              ii.            Twitter
                            iii.            Linkedin
                           iv.            Youtube
                             v.            Pinterest
                           vi.            What’s app
                         vii.            Tumbler
                       viii.            Instagram
2. Email Marketing
3. Pay Per Click (PPC)
4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
5. Content Marketing
6. Affiliate Marketing


  1. The more relevant the link, the better here. Also, whenever possible add your website's URL in the post itself.

  2. You can do this by tracking your competition. You can then set up SMS marketing campaigns for your company to show that you are keeping up with your competitors. Get detailed info about sms marketing software on this site.
